Learning and Growing Together
Our goal at HCC is to make Sunday School the place everyone wants to be for an hour each Sunday morning. For adults, we offer a variety of courses that appeal to both new and longtime participants. Visit a class or two each session, then make a commitment to attend for the remaining weeks. It is our hope that we will all increase in knowledge, mature in faith and grow in fellowship.
Age 4-1st grade | Room 149 | 10:45-11:45am
2nd-5th grade | Room 148 | 10:45-11:45am
During the Sunday school hour, each class takes a Christ-centered, chronological look at the big story of the Bible – God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.
The Bridge Sunday School: All youth members & friends grades 6th – 12th are welcome! Join us after worship in the youth room for the Sunday school class, The New City Catechism. Also, plan to join us for food, fun, and fellowship after Sunday school on September 15 to hangout!
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL (Sundays at 10:50 am)
HCC family, let’s join with class teacher, Dan Sullivan, to study J.I. Packer’s classic work Knowing God. Knowing God brings together two key facets of the Christian faith—knowing about God and knowing God through a close relationship with Jesus Christ. We’ll join with the saints of the Bible and church history in coming to know God in ever deeper and richer ways. Class meets in Patterson Hall.
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL (Sundays at 10:50 am)
Can God work through business to accomplish His mission in the world? In Faith + Business, Rachel Nelson will look at how God is working through those who have been called as investors, entrepreneurs, and leaders of people to spread the gospel and bring healing to a broken world. She’ll share her personal and professional testimony, and first-hand knowledge. Class meets in Room 241 (upstairs).